$600.00 USD

Unearthed: $600 Paid in Full

Sign up now to save your spot for the biggest, boldest version of Unearthed yet. 

When you sign up for this payment cycle, you are automatically enrolled in Unearthed 2024. You will receive a general confirmation email and your information will be added to our enrollment list. Please be sure to subscribe to our mailing list when you sign up so you can receive communications about the program.

In the months leading up to our official kick-off in March 2024, you will receive information about basic writing, creativity, and astrology concepts, as well as invitations to join in Q&As, work sprints, and more. This payment plan will also include a major discount code for an item in our forthcoming merch shop.

Get ready, magic maker! This is going to be fun.


  • All digital products, including PDFs, live and recorded classes, and infographics are non-refundable.
  • Your first payment is considered your deposit and it is non-refundable. 
  • If you choose to drop out of the program before it officially begins on 3/1/24, and you have not attended any classes, logged onto the portal, or downloaded any content from the portal,  you may email hello [at] andreahannah [dot] com to request a refund for all payments other than your deposit. 
  • Once we are officially in session on 3/1/24, all payments are nonrefundable. 
  • By submitting your information and signing up for this payment plan, you are accepting these policies and disclaimers.